Prees Heath Common Reserve

Prees Heath Common Reserve


Location & Access

The reserve lies between the A49 and A41 roads two miles to the south of Whitchurch in North Shropshire. Most people access the reserve by parking on the side of a track opposite the Steel Heath turning off the A49, about one mile south of the A49/A41 roundabout. A pay and display car park is available near the roundabout, and to access the reserve from that point you have to cross the busy A49 road.

Wheelchair friendly kissing gates have been installed off the track. Most of the paths on the reserve are grassy or sandy and uneven in places. Copies of the reserve leaflet are available in a wooden box by the entrance gates off the track. Waymarker posts with a blue butterfly take you on a 1.5 mile walk around the best areas to see the Silver-studded Blues. 

Visitors to the reserve are welcome. It is very important that, whilst enjoying walking on the reserve, visitors bear in mind the following:

* Dogs must be kept on short leads during the nesting season of birds that nest on the ground, from 1st March to 31st July, where indicated by signs on the reserve. This is a legal requirement.

* Dog owners must clean up any dog faeces deposited by their dogs and keep their dogs under control. Dog waste bins are provided.

* Dog owners should not allow their dogs to enter the pond, as chemicals used on dogs to protect them from fleas can cause significant harm to aquatic wildlife.

* Everyone should make sure they do not leave any litter on the reserve.

* Motorbikes, quad bikes, caravans, camping, shooting, lighting fires including barbecues, unauthorised horseriding, injuring wildlife including rabbits are all prohibited. Offenders will be reported to the Police.

* Be considerate to all the wildlife on the reserve, including the plants. It is their home, not your home.

* Be considerate to each other, as we want the reserve to be a welcoming, safe and friendly place.

The reserve is owned and managed by Butterfly Conservation, a registered charity with over 40,000 members. To find out more about how you can help its work to conserve Britain's butterflies and moths and our natural environment please visit 

OS Grid Reference: SJ557363 OS Map number: Explorer 241. 

Nearest postcode is SY133JX.

Clicking here to view the reserve information leaflet

Click here to view the reserve risk assessment